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Compatibility with page builders (content editors)

Use If-So with any page builder!

If you are using Gutenberg or Elementor, please check out our conditional blocks/element options:

If-So works with any page builder.

Upon creating a  dynamic trigger with If-So, you will receive a shortcode to embed anywhere on your website to present its content.

Regardless of which page builder you are using, you’ll be able to paste the shortcode inside a text / paragraph / headline / HTML / or dedicated shortcode block.

Embedding the shortcode in other elements might work as well, depending on the element and your content editor.

A list of compatible page builders

The following page builders are used by our users and have been verified to be compatible with If-So (other editors will likely work as well):

Can I create content using my page builder and use it as a dynamic If-So version?

Yes, you can. Learn more here.

Common Issues with Using If-So and Content Editors

Issue: After embedding the trigger, the shortcode itself is displayed instead of the trigger’s content.

Solution: On your WordPress dashboard, go to If-So > Settings and uncheck the box “Apply “the_content” filter.” This should resolve the problem.

Issue: The style of the content added with If-So appears different than content added directly in the page editor.

Solution: If you are using a content builder, it is likely that you apply different styles to texts and images using the element/block design settings. In most cases, applying the same style to the content of your trigger will occur automatically. All you have to do is simply paste the trigger’s shortcode inside the Element/Block.

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