Any questions for us?

We are available to chat!


Floating Message – Chat

Display a chat button to users from specific locations, visitors who visited a specific page, at certain times, etc.
Chat 2

*Image size: 36 by 36

How to apply the template to your site

  1. Click the “Edit Template” button.
  2. Customize the template and click “Copy Code“.
  3. On your WordPress dashboard, go to “If-So → Add New Trigger”.
  4. Select the condition for displaying the template.
  5. Paste the template code in the dynamic version’s content field. Make sure you are in “Text” mode.
  6. In the default content field, enter the content to be displayed if the condition is not met (optional, can be left blank).
  7. Press “Publish”.
  8. Paste the trigger’s shortcode anywhere on your website.

Display the template on all website pages

  1. Download the Trigger Events extension.
  2. On your WordPress dashboard, go to “If-So → Settings”.
  3. Paste the trigger’s shortcode into the “Load Extra content on all pages” field.
  4. Exclude pages for which you don’t want to display the content.
  5. Click “Save“.



Contact, Welcome


Date/Time, Geolocation, Logged-in, Pages Visited, Trigger Visited

Realated templates and examples