Tailored Content for Cold Email Recipients

No one will be able to ignore your cold email! Show your cold email recipients unique messages that can even include their name.
user name based on email campaign

If-So’s Dynamic link (or Page URL) condition allows you to display dynamic content to users arriving from a specific link.

This option is extremely useful for creating dynamic content for users arriving from a specific CPC campaign, social post, or email marketing.

The same method is a great, simple way to increase ROI from your cold email campaigns. Simply create a dynamic link or add a query string of your choice to the end of the link that is a part of your email, and set the dynamic content that will be displayed to users arriving through the link.

Learn more about the Dynamic Link condition >

Displaying the user’s name

If-So offers a DKI (Dynamic Keyword Insertion) shortcode that automatically displays the value of a query string.

Learn more about the DKI shortcode>

Applying a large number of dynamic versions using a CSV file

The CSV Extension allows you to easily create and manage thousands of dynamic versions. This option is ideal if you have a large number of recipients and you need to handle a lot of different versions.

Learn more about the CSV Extension>



Bounce Rate, Engagement, User Experience


Cold Emails


DKI, Dynamic Link, Page URL

Realated templates and examples

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