Yes, you can capture the user’s country in JavaScript by using the following PHP code in your theme’s functions.php file. This code fetches the user’s geolocation data and sets it as a JavaScript variable:
phpCopy codeadd_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', function(){
if(!defined('IFSO_PLUGIN_BASE_DIR')) return;
require_once(IFSO_PLUGIN_BASE_DIR. 'services/geolocation-service/geolocation-service.class.php');
$geo_data = \IfSo\Services\GeolocationService\GeolocationService::get_instance()->get_user_location();
$ifso_country = !empty($geo_data->get('countryCode')) ? $geo_data->get('countryCode') : '';
wp_add_inline_script('if-so',"var ifso_country = '{$ifso_country}';",'after');
This code will make the user’s country available as a variable named ifso_country
in your JavaScript. You can customize this code to capture other geolocation data, such as city or state, by adjusting the values in the code.