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The Trigger Visited condition

In this article: About the Triggers Visited condition | How to set up a trigger using the condition

What is the Trigger Visited condition?

The Trigger Visited condition allows you to display dynamic content based on whether a user has previously visited a page with a certain trigger.

How does the Trigger Visited condition work?

The Trigger Visited condition is a cookie-based solution (the cookie name is “ifso_viewed_triggers).

The trigger will be counted as “viewed” once a user visits a page with the trigger and regardless of whether the trigger was loaded below the fold or whether the user has actually seen it.

How to set up trigger-visited-based content

*Elementor or Gutenberg user? This condition can be used to set up a conditional element or block (Learn more: Gutenberg | Elementor).

  1. On your WordPress dashboard, go to “If-So → Add New Trigger”.
  2. Click on “Select a condition” and select “Triggers Visited“.
    *Make sure the “Enable Triggers Visited Cookie” option is checked in the plugin’s settings (If-So > Settings on your WordPress dashboard).
  3. Select an operator: Is” / Is Not.
  4. Select the trigger to be tracked by the condition.
  5. In the content field, set the content to be displayed if the condition is met.
  6. In the default content field, set content to be displayed if the condition is not met (optional, can be left blank).
  7. Press “Publish” and paste the shortcode generated by If-So on your website.
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