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Dynamic Content for Paid Memberships Pro


The Paid Memberships Pro integration allows you to display dynamic content based on the user’s membership level.

How to set up membership-based content

To set up a this condition you’ll need both the If-So plugin and the If-so Paid Memberships Pro integration activated. Once you have that setup, the new condition will be added to the If-So condition’s drop-down menu.

Creating a dynamic If-So trigger is fairly intuitive, but if you want to learn more about If-So and its advanced options, you can start here: How does If-So work.

Paid Memberships Pro 2

Step-by-step: How to set up the Paid Memberships Pro condition

  1. Make sure you have If-So and the If-so Paid Memberships Pro
    integration installed.
  2. On your WordPress dashboard, go to “If>So → Add New Trigger” 
  3. Set up the dynamic version:
    1. Select “Paid Memberships Pro” from the drop-down menu.
    2. Set the content to be displayed if the condition is met.
  4. In the default content field, set content to be displayed if the condition
    is not met.
  5. Press “Publish”.
  6. Copy and paste the shortcode wherever you want to display the trigger’s content (on pages, posts, or widgets).
Paid Memberships Pro Integration
Requirements: If-So Pro